Sensational Read online
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“the beautiful cigar girl”: Public Ledger, August 3, 1841, 2.
“premature delivery”: New-York Tribune, November 18, 1842, 2.
“obstinate and long-standing cases” and “females in delicate health”: Public Ledger, February 25, 1841, 4.
“Restellism”: Baltimore Sun, April 3, 1848, 1.
“Madame Restell’s organ”: Vicksburg Daily Whig, October 12, 1841, 2.
“Restell school”: Public Ledger, September 1, 1841, 2.
“in no case do I engage”: New-York Tribune, August 24, 1842, 1.
“The mails go burdened with the circulars”: New York Times, August 23, 1871, 6.
“articles of indecent and immoral use”: Quoted in Werbel, Lust, 54–55.
“It is a cause for profound thanksgiving”: The New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, Annual Report, 13. UMLKF.
“uterine trouble” and “an internal hemorrhage”: St. Paul Globe, April 8, 1889, 3.
“Wilcox’s Compound Tansy Pills” and “afford speedy and certain relief”: Boston Globe, December 30, 1888, 10.
from an average of 7 children per woman: Mohr, Abortion, 82.
“St. Lawrence to the Golden Gate” and “I don’t exaggerate:” Chicago Times, January 3, 1889, 5.
“lost to shame” and “the method adopted”: Buffalo Times, December 24, 1888, 2.
“Some of the young girls will learn”: Chicago Times, December 23, 1888, 11.
“take the bull by the horns”: Ibid., 10.
“Bring the Husbands to Book”: Chicago Times, December 28, 1888, 1.
“It is our duty”: Chicago Times, December 22, 1888, 5.
“The social order that permits”: Chicago Times, December 23, 1888, 11.
“A Novel Treatment of Gonorrhea” and quotations for the rest of these meetings: Volume 9, CHMCMS.
“many a pearly tear”: Journal of the American Medical Association, January 12, 1889, 55.
“anything happened I could locate it”: Chicago Times, December 18, 1888, 2.
“control of our government”: Chicago Times, December 16, 1888, 9.
“the newspaper reports every day”: Stanton and Anthony, Selected Papers, 159.
“A woman should have the same chances” and “Amen”: Chicago Times, December 23, 1888, 9.
“For the Doctors”: Chicago Times, December 21, 1888, 4.
“small token of esteem”: Chicago Times, December 22, 1888, 5.
“My pilgrimage of disgrace is ended”: Chicago Times, December 26, 1888, 1.
“Many of the brightest women”: Journalist, January 26, 1889, 12.
“A harmless life, she called a virtuous life”: Browning, Aurora Leigh, 11.
“A newspaper girl, a newspaper girl” and “don’t think of it”: Banks, Autobiography, 6.
“Please make me a mean”: St. Paul Globe, November 4, 1888, 19.
“are so hideous and disgusting”: Banks, “‘Yellow Journalism,’” 338.
“The exposure made by the Times”: St. Paul Globe, December 20, 1888, 4.
Chapter 6: New Territory (1889–1890)
“The whole atmosphere of the place”: Bisland, Flying Trip, 22.
“monthly irregularities”: San Francisco Examiner, February 18, 1889, 7.
“Women who have fallen”: San Francisco Examiner, August 27, 1889, 7.
“Minnie . . . come home; all is forgiven”: San Francisco Chronicle, June 23, 1889.
“Confessions of an Actress” and other quotations from this article: Chicago Tribune, December 16, 1888, 26.
“I began to think”: Chicago Tribune, January 13, 1889, 26.
“the paper must be built up”: William Randolph Hearst to George Hearst, January 4, 1885, BLHP.
“The Examiner, with this issue”: San Francisco Examiner, March 4, 1887, 2.
“the fragrance of violets”: Bierce, “A Thumb-Nail Sketch,” 305.
“a very sure instinct about”: Finch Kelly, Flowing Stream, 240.
“the common enemy”: San Francisco Examiner, January 3, 1889, 4.
“The Examiner Does the Work of the Life Saving Service”: San Francisco Examiner, January 4, 1890, 1.
“Monarch of the Dailies”: San Francisco Examiner, January 7, 1890, 6.
“would cover not only myself”: Black, “Rambles, Part II,” 211.
“Don’t moralize. Get at your story”: San Francisco Examiner, July 13, 1890, 13.
“Yes, sir,” and “walked out into the quiet”: Black, “Rambles, Part II,” 212.
“wholesome and pink”: Older, Hearst, 99.
“wholesome as a May”: Winkler, W. R. Hearst, 72.
“the best boss, the kindest friend”: Black, “Rambles, Part II,” 213.
“If I could do it as quickly as Phileas Fogg did”: Bly, Around the World,
“distinctive” and “peculiar personality”: San Francisco Examiner, January 22, 1890, 2.
“she is a plain every-day girl, with a wonderful head and warm heart”: San Francisco Examiner, November 19, 1889, 1.
“One was the regular routine”: San Francisco Examiner, January 22, 1890, 2.
“has never done anything” and “Miss Bisland is universally regarded”: San Francisco Examiner, November 19, 1889, 1.
“I didn’t realize what a public character”: San Francisco Examiner, November 20, 1889, 1.
“The Star-Eyed Goddess of Reform”: Black, “Rambles, Part II,” 37.
“Influence of the Daily Press”: Chicago Women’s Club Board Minutes 1876–1891, CHMCWC.
“Well, what do you want?” and other quotations from this scene: Chicago Tribune, January 13, 1889, 12.
“inconvenient individual who keeps abreast”: Ibid.
“I can’t see that there is anything” and other quotations from this scene: Chicago Tribune, December 13, 1889, 1.
“The city should at once organize”: Ibid., 2.
“simply sick of hearing these things”: San Francisco Examiner, January 22, 1890, 1.
“queer doings” and “young girls wandered in”: Black, “Rambles, Part II,” 214.
“I kept walking away from it”: San Francisco Examiner, December 18, 1892, 13.
“I am so sick” and other quotations from this scene: San Francisco Examiner, January 19, 1890, 11.
“She was treated right” and other quotation from this encounter: San Francisco Examiner, January 20, 1890, 1–2.
“all the numerous complaints” and other quotations from this interview: Daily Alta California, January 23, 1890, 4.
“The most precious bit of freight” and other quotations from this scene: San Francisco Examiner, January 22, 1890, 1–2.
“the fact that two young” and other quotations from this page: San Francisco Examiner, January 22, 1890, 6.
Chapter 7: Under the Gold Dome (1890–1891)
“The American Girl will no longer”: Pittsburg Dispatch, January 26, 1890, 1.
“little newspaper girl”: Bly, Around the World,
“wonderful things” and “a delicate layer of frost”: Jordan, Cheers, 23.
“A horde of dirty children”: Riis, Other Half, 29–30.
“Miss Virginia Cusack Missing”: Chicago Tribune, March 18, 1890, 1.
“cordial” and “kept very much to herself”: Jordan, Cheers, 87.
“I was out of New York”: Ibid., 29.
“The first story should deal with”: World Sunday Edition Editorial Department to Commander Peary, April 26, 1905, NYPLSP.
“To me the southern mountain assignment”: Jordan, Cheers, 41.
“In the nineteenth century there are”: World, November 20, 1890, 2.
“the comments not only smirched one”: Jordan, Cheers, 128.
“did sensational stories”: Jordan, Tales, 223.
“nothing but nuisances”: Banks, Autobiography, 17.
“Get in, Miss,” and o
ther quotations from this scene: Jordan, Cheers, 131.
“After all, a woman’s place”: Jordan, Tales, 223.
“I beg your pardons” and “drop the damned”: Jordan, Cheers, 38–39.
375 feet tall, 26 stories, and other measurement details: The World, Its History and New Home, pamphlet.
“God grant that this structure”: Ibid.
“Accuracy! Terseness! Accuracy!”: Seitz, Pulitzer, 440.
“a minister’s meeting from ten to twelve”: Black, “Rambles, Part II,” 211.
“the ‘Nelly Bly’ of San Francisco” and other quotations: San Francisco Examiner, January 5, 1891, 6.
“Face Bleach” and other quotations: San Francisco Examiner, January 25, 1891, 14.
“pretty and coquettish” and “fool”: San Francisco Examiner, December 18, 1892, 13.
Chapter 8: Exercising Judgment (1892)
“families who lived, all of them”: Finch Kelly, Flowing Stream, 230–31.
“It is very hard to have any veneration”: Los Angeles Herald, August 18, 1892, 5.
“Clever Mrs. McGuirk”: St. Paul Globe, July 9, 1892, 8.
“‘Kate,’ as her numerous friends call her”: Boston Globe, July 18, 1892, 8.
“How do you get along” and other quotations from the interview: New York Recorder, September 19, 1892, 1–2.
“masculine looking woman” and “peculiar guttural harshness”: Quoted in Kent, Source Book, 32.
“Her hands and arms”: Boston Post, August 6, 1892, 2.
“a repellent disposition”: Logansport Reporter, August 6, 1892, 1.
“the embodiment of laughter and fun”: Daily Arkansas Gazette, April 30, 1893, 16.
“whose card has taken her”: New York Times, August 29, 1892, 1.
“a magnificent ‘fake’”: Porter, Fall River, 141.
“Mrs. McGuirk, that able”: Vancouver Daily World, November 11, 1892, 7.
“an impartial jury of the state”: Del Carmen, Criminal Procedure, 19.
“This danger would be increased immeasurably” and other quotations from this article: Parkman, “Woman Question,” 316–17.
“indecencies” and “sodomy, incest, rape, seduction”: Quoted in Rodriguez, “Clearing,” 1833.
“Slowly, perhaps, but surely”: Newport Mercury, July 1, 1893, 3.
Chapter 9: A Place to Speak Freely (1892)
lynchers killed 150: Wells-Barnett, Selected Works, 29.
“Princess of the Press”: Journalist, January 26, 1889, 4.
“I am an anomaly to myself”: Wells, Memphis Diary, 78.
“O my God!” and “It may be unwise”: Ibid., 102.
“a town which will neither”: Wells-Barnett, Selected Works, 6.
“thread-bare lie” and “a conclusion”: Wells-Barnett, Crusade, 65–66.
“Well, we’ve been a long time”: Ibid., 61.
“They could and did fall in love”: Ibid., 70.
“I felt that I owed it”: Ibid., 69.
“zealous, watchful spirit”: Davis, Lifting, 30.
“No writer of the race is kept busier”: Journalist, January 26, 1889, 4.
“I do not think our women will object”: Washington Bee, April 9, 1887, 3.
“Peace and security are very good things to have”: Matthews, “New York,” January 5, 1889, 2.
Chapter 10: Guilt and Innocence (1892–1893)
“Public Services Rendered by The World” and other quotations: World, May 7, 1893.
“you have to make up your mind”: World, June 4, 1893, 13.
“Many women—faithful daughters and wives”: World, June 11, 1893, 20.
“Christian attributes” and “Angels, my friends say”: Ibid.
“a self-constituted jury” and “They sit”: World, June 18, 1893, 15.
“To-day, as yesterday, you squeezed”: World, June 14, 1893, 8.
“plain to the point of homeliness” and other quotations: World, June 6, 1893, 8.
“I would not be seen doing that, Lizzie” and other quotations from this conversation: World, June 15, 1893, 3.
“The old man is trying to testify” and other quotations from this scene: Jordan, Cheers, 120.
“A woman’s cunning devised,” “It is unjust,” and other quotations from this scene: World, June 21, 1893, 1, 7.
“Miss Borden’s vindication was clear”: Ibid.
“He spent his time devising” and other quotations from this story: Jordan, “Assignment,” 365–72.
“So, Ruth Herrick, that’s the kind”: Jordan, Cheers, 122.
“dream of beauty”: Victoria Earle Matthews to Frederick Douglass, August 3, 1894, LCDP.
“no news is good news”: Chicago Tribune, October 27, 1893, 8.
“The Usual Result”: Evening World, December 6, 1893, 1.
“lead respectable lives”: Evening World, December 6, 1893, 1.
“merry twinkle” and other quotations from this article: World, December 10, 1893, 33.
Chapter 11: Across the Atlantic (1893–1894)
“surrounded with dozens of lovers”: St. Paul Globe, November 25, 1888, 19.
“from getting too lonely”: Banks, Autobiography, 50.
“Stitch! stitch! stitch!”: Hood, Works, 308.
“I wear caps and aprons”: Banks, Campaigns, 3.
“in the city whistles are blowing”: Chicago Tribune, December 17, 1892, 14.
“As Housemaid, Parlourmaid, or House-Parlourmaid”: Banks, Campaigns, 9.
“For myself, I knew little or nothing”: Ibid., 6.
“they have to make quite sure”: Bishop and Lowell, Words, Letter 218.
“there actually breathe a woman”: Pall Mall Gazette, November 22, 1893, 5.
“Now, tell me exactly” and other quotations from this scene: Banks, Autobiography.
“A Young American Lady”: Banks, Campaigns, 98.
“after all my investigations, my faith”: Ibid., 113.
“A YOUNG WOMAN wants a situation”: Ibid., 159.
“I’ll help you, Miss Barnes” and other quotations from the laundry scene: Banks, Campaigns.
“I was beginning to get intensely interested” and other scenes from the laundries in this section: Banks, Campaigns.
Chapter 12: Girl No More (1894–1895)
“Do you think we’re as bad as that?” and other quotations from this scene: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 13, 1894, 2.
“Their only hope is”: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 17, 1894, 2.
“While it occupies her”: St. Paul Globe, September 11, 1894, 5.
“Life is growing worse every day”: Evening World, February 5, 1895, 4.
“Why couldn’t I write for a newspaper”: Quoted in Clayton, Cowboy Girl, 33–34.
“This Page for the Lords of Creation” and other quotations from this issue: Boston Post, February 11, 1894.
“Have I not been drinking moxie” and other quotations from this article: Boston Post, June 2, 1895, 9, 12.
“Is ‘Nellie Bly’ Married?”: Indianapolis Journal, April 7, 1895, 2.
“The marriage of Nellie Bly”: San Francisco Examiner, April 15, 1895, 6.
“And thus is refuted”: Weekly Pioneer-Times, April 18, 1895, 4.
“He is very old”: Buffalo Morning Express, April 16, 1895, 4.
“everybody knew her but she had very few familiars”: McDougall, Life, 187.
“Nellie was deeply attached”: Ibid., 189.
“It is a genuine surprise”: Boston Post, June 21, 1895, 4.
“a small man with muscles of iron” and “the most energetic”: McDougall, Life, 199.
“Her reward was great”: Jordan, Cheers, 87.
“You have dealt with”: Wells-Barnett, Selected Works, 15.
“It is like being born”: Wells-Barnett, Crusade, 135.
“attempted robbery” and other quotations from this source: Wells-Barnett, Selected Works.
“octaroon evangel”: New York Times, April 29, 1894, 1.
> “retired to what I thought was the privacy of a home”: Ibid., 239.
“Next to a great, big bank account”: Boston Post, February 11, 1894, 19.
“In the craft I had chosen”: Webb, Diary, 252.
“She deals only with ballot boxes”: San Francisco Examiner, May 26, 1895, 13.
“There are certain moments in life”: Black, “Rambles, Part II,” 217.
Chapter 13: Full Speed Ahead (1895–1896)
“I had secured very remunerative”: Abbot, Watching, 137.
“It seemed to some of us”: Ibid., 147.
“Can I help you” and other quotations from this scene: Interview with Miss Elizabeth Jordan at her home, April 13, 1938, Brisbane 2001 Addition, Box 1, Folder “J” Miscellaneous, SULBF.
“by turns fire and ice”: Jordan, Cheers, 136.
“I have sometimes wondered”: Ibid., 128.
“Officer, there is a man in that cab” and “Oh, that is all”: Sun, November 10, 1895, 4.
“If I have done anything wrong” and other quotations from this scene: Sun, November 11, 1895, 3.
“Learn to think only”: Nellie Bly to Mary Jane Cochrane, October 12, 1915, Folder Bly, Nellie/Cochrane, Mary Jane, 1914–1915, SULBF.
“frightful” and “I really believe women”: World, January 26, 1896, 4.
“I adore the little peculiarities of people”: World, February 2, 1896, 10.
“Do you pray?” and other quotations from this scene: Ibid.
“You know every time” and “Man and woman”: World, February 16, 1896, 32.
“She fell from the see-saw”: World, February 23, 1896, 17.
“freaks” and “froth” and “your old energy”: G.W. Hosmer to Norris, May 29, 1896 [with enclosure of Pulitzer to Brisbane], Box 1, Folder 1896, May–June, LCPP.
“Sorry we did not have that”: Box 1, Folder 1886–1897, SULBA.
“I am not sorry that I endured”: World, February 16, 1896, 17.
“You know perfectly well”: Box 1, Folder 1886–1897, SULBA.
“an interesting condition” and “disgusting and sickening”: Quoted in Morris, Pulitzer, 380.